Meaning of Communication
To communicate is to make known, to impart or to transmit information. Communication forms the bridge between managers and employees.
Communication is an integral part of managing because it is only through communication that a manager can make himself understood by his employees.
Managers must receive and give ideas, reports, instructions, explain problems and give demonstrations. An organization must also keep in touch with its relevant environments—customers, suppliers, dealers, regulations etc. Talking, listening, attending meetings, reading and writing occupies most of the manager's time.
Communication is therefore essential for effecting organizational performance. An excellent plan that is poorly communicated is useless. Effective and efficient communication results in better overall performance. Ineffective communication leads to loss of meaning or misunderstanding which in turn leads to mistakes. The success of an organization is a reflection of the effectiveness of its communication. Many mistakes and negative results in a firm e.g. accidents, waste, duplicated work and incomplete work can be traced directly to poor communication. Communication is needed to:
(a) Establish and disseminate goals of an enterprise
(b) Develop plans for their achievement
(c) Organize human and non human resources
(d) Select, develop and appraise staff
(e) Control performance
(f) Direct, lead and motivate employees
Communication is a two way process where everyone is both a receiver and sender of information. Effective communication must involve transfer of meaning from the sender to the receiver i.e. the information received must be understood by the receiver. If the receiver does not understand the meaning of the message then communication is not effective.