Communications Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Direct Numerical Control (DNC) - Communications


All those functions wherein the communication takes place between the CNC machine tool and the DNC computer are put in this category. They are

  • Sending part programs to the CNC machine tool as and when required, which is normally termed as part program down loading.
  • Receiving the part programs from the CNC machine tool after it has been edited or prepared on the machine control unit, which is normally termed as part program up loading.
  • Drip feeding of programs in case of large size programs, they may be held in the large hard disk space of the DNC computer and then sent to the controller in smaller chunks depending upon the memory available with the MCU.
  • The tool offsets of the tools to be used in the current program can be down loaded into the MCU. This eliminates the necessity for the operator to use the MCU for data entry, which is generally a tedious process and not ergonomical.


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