Advantages of DNC Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Direct Numerical Control (DNC) - Advantages of DNC

Advantages of DNC

1. DNC assists in the elimination of the local input device like the tape reader.

This assists in the entry of error free part programs. For extremely long part programs, paper tape becomes very inconvenient to use.

2. The large storage capacity of the DNC computer makes it feasible to store various part programs.

3. If similar job is to be made on different machine tools then separate part program entry into the individual controllers is eliminated reducing the duplicity of work. In place of  storing the different versions of similar part program, the CLDATA can be stored and post processed for the particular MCU when it is to be down loaded.

4. DNC software assists in managing the part programs better and easier.

5. Due to management function software, the shop floor running of machines, inventories of tooling etc. can be handled much better. Additionally, real time rescheduling of machines provides lot of flexibility to make sure lower idle times and therefore greater productivity. This is greatly facilitated by the fact that in DNC the part programs are generally stored in the type of cutter location data (CLFILE) rather than post processed programs for individual machine tools. This storage of part programs in general format gives easier real time rescheduling of various NC/ CNC machine tools. The management software as well makes it possible to prepare regular manufacturing reports quickly for "higher level" decision making.

6. DNC gives the stating point for factory integration. Along with the experience gained, it is possible to extend the integration into the several aspects of manufacturing finally leading to CIM.

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