Creating Online Marketing Assignment Help

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Creating Online Marketing

Marketers may conduct online marketing in four ways which are following:

1).By creating an electronic online presence. By using this method, a company can do following:

a). Purchase space on a commercial online service.

b).Company may open its own Web site.

2). Web sites differ in purpose and content.

a).The most of the  basic type is a corporate Web site. These sites are designed to manage interactive communication initiated by the consumer.  They look for to build customer good will and to supplement other sales channels instead of sell the company's products directly

b).The marketing Web site is designed to connect consumers in an interaction that will shift them closer to a purchase or other marketing outcome.

With this form of site, the marketers begin communication and interaction.

3).Creating a Web site is one thing; obtaining people to visit the site is another thing.  The   key is to create sufficient value and excitement to obtain consumers to come to the site, stick around, and come back again.  High involvement manufacture (like computers, new cars or financial services) has superior success than do lower involvement products. The second method is to place ad online. Companies can place online ad in several following ways:

A.      The company may put online advertisement that pops up when subscribers are surfing Web sites or online services.

B.      Content sponsorship permits a company to sponsor a particular report on one of the services.

The third method is to participate in Newsgroups, Forums and Web Communities.

a.      Newsgroups are the Internet version of forums.

b.      Forums are discussion groups which situated on commercial online services.

c.       A Bulletin board system (BBS) is specialized online services that centre on a particular topic or group.

4). Web communities are sites that give a place where members may congregate online and exchange views on issues of frequent interest. Visitors to these Net neighbourhoods build up a strong sense of community. Web communities may be either work-related or social.

The ultimate method is to use Web casting and E-mail.

The normal method utilized is to encourage customers and prospects to send questions, idea, recommendation and even complaints to the company through e-mail.  Quick response to such type of messages is a key.

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