Stress Distribution for Different Eccentrically Loaded Sections Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Direct and Bending Stresses - Stress Distribution for Different Eccentrically Loaded Sections

Stress Distribution for Different Eccentrically Loaded Sections Circular Section:

We have seen that for no tension,

e ≤ ( 2k 2 /d)

For a solid circular section,

I = π d 4/64 ;

A = (π/4) d 2

∴          k 2  =  I / A = d2 /16

∴          e ≤ (2/d) ×(d2)/16≤ (d/8)

1579_Stress Distribution for Different Eccentrically Loaded Sections.png


Therefore, in order that tension is not to be produced, the load line should fall within middle fourth of the section. The core in this case is a circle within the same centre and diameter d/4 as illustrated in Figure.

Hollow Section Structural Sections
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