Eccentrically Loaded Sections Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Direct and Bending Stresses - Eccentrically Loaded Sections

Eccentrically Loaded Sections:

Load Acting Eccentric to One Axis

In order to learn the effect of eccentric load more nearly, let us assume a short axial member, loaded along load P, placed at a distance 'e' from the centroidal vertical axis during the centroid of the section, as illustrated in Figure (a).

2405_Eccentrically Loaded Sections.png

Along the vertical axis, introduce two equal and opposite forces, each equivalent to load P. Their introduction clearly makes to difference to the loading of the member, as they cancel out to each other. Though, if the upward force P is let along with at a distance e from each of other, from a clockwise couple of magnitude P × e, the influence of which is to generated bending stress in the member? The remaining central downward force P, generates a direct compressive stress f0, of magnitude P/A as usual. Therefore, we might conclude that an eccentric load generates direct compressive stress as well as the bending stress.

Load Acting Eccentric to Both Axis Load Acting Eccentric to One Axis
Neutral Axis
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