Analytical Method:
The movement of the driver or input link may be represented through the input variable 'x' and that of the driven link or follower through the dependent variable 'y'. Both of them might have some prescribed functional relationship, call y = f (x).
There are two schemes: exact synthesis and approximate synthesis. In approximate synthesis, function generated through the mechanism fits the described function only at a finite number of points in the interval & intersects the wanted path at a finite number of points. In exact synthesis, the generated function or path fits the needed function or path at all of the points in the interval. Exact synthesis is restricted to a few arbitrary functions; alternatively approximate synthesis pertains to almost all of the functions.
The points at which the generated & desired functions meet are known as precision points or accuracy points. The number of such points is equivalent to the number of design parameters at our disposal. This number differs from three to six. The computation complications increase with increase in the number of accuracy points.