History of Diesel Engine Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Diesel Engine - History of Diesel Engine


The modern diesel engine came about as the output of the internal combustion principles first proposed through Sadi Carnot in the early 19th era. Dr. Rudolf Diesel applied Sadi Carnot's principles within a patented cycle or method of combustion which has become known as the "diesel" cycle. His patented engine operated while the heat produced during the compression of the air fuel charge caused ignition of the mixture that then expanded at a constant pressure during the full power stroke of the engine.

A Dr. Diesel's first engine ran on coal dust and used a compression pressure of 1500 psi to raise its theoretical efficiency. Also, their first engine did not have provisions for any categories of cooling system. As a result, among the extreme pressure and the lack of cooling, an engine exploded and almost killed its inventor. After recovering from his injuries and adding a cooling water jacket around the cylinder, Diesel tried again using oil as the fuel and lowering the compression pressure to around 550 psi. That mixture eventually proved successful.

Production rights to the engine were sold to Adolphus Bush who establishes the first diesel engines for commercial use, installing them in their St. Louis brewery to drive several pumps.

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