Development of the Surface of a Truncated Pentagonal Prism Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Development of a Prism - Development of the Surface of a Truncated Pentagonal Prism

Development of the Surface of a Truncated Pentagonal Prism:


(a)   Sketch the front and top views of the prism.

(b)   Situate the cutting plane, like given in the problem.

(c)    Situate the points of intersection of the vertical edges and the cutting plane line.

(d) Sketch stretch-out lines A, A and A1, A1 same to the periphery of the base, that is as same to five times the side of the base.

(e)  Divide the line A, A in five in same parts and sketch vertical edges via these divisions.

(f)From the point front view, sketch horizontal lines from the intersection points and situate the points of intersection of these horizontal lines and vertical equivalent edges in the development.

(g) Connect all these intersection points in the development with straight lines.

Upper portion represents the lateral development of the portion B of the prism whereas the lower portion represents the lateral development of the portion A of the prism.

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