Value of Participation
The possible values of involving more people in the decision making process within a firm relate primarily to productivity and morale. Increased productivity can result from the stimulation of ideas and from the encouragement of greater effort and co-operation. Psychologically involved employees will often respond to shared problems with innovative suggestive and unusual efforts. Open participative cultures are often used to improve the level of morale and satisfaction. Specific values in this area include:
• increased acceptability of management's ideas;
• increased co-operation with members of management and staff;
• reduced turnover;
• reduced absenteeism;
• reduced complaints and grievances;
• greater acceptance of changes;
• improved attitudes toward the job and the organization.
In general, the development of greater employee participation appears to have a direct and immediate effect on employee morale. Employees take a greater interest in the job and the organization. They tend to accept, and sometimes initiate changes not only because of their understanding of the necessity for change but also because their fears or insecurity has been reduced because they know more about the change. Most experience and research indicate a positive relationship between employee participation and measures of morale, turnover, and absenteeism.