Find the maximum stress:
The rolled steel joist shown in Figure is acted upon by a bending moment of 10 kNm acting in the Y-Y plane and 2 kNm acting in the X-X plane. Find the maximum stress in the section and the neutral axis. Given
Ixx = 1696.6 cm4 and Iyy = 115.4 cm4

Mx = 10 kNm = + 10 × 106 Nmm
My = - 2 kNm = - 2 × 106 Nmm
As per above sign convention
tan θ = My/M x = - 2/10= - 0.2
giving θ = 11.3o (anticlockwise) (the angle made by the resultant moment with the YY axis).
A co-ordinates of the four critical points for which stresses are calculated is given below:

∴ f A = (Mx/Ixx)y +(My/Iyy)x = 10 × 106/1696.6 × 104(+ 100) +(- 2 × 106)/115.4×104 (- 50)
= 58.94 + 86.66 = 145.60 N/mm2 (Compressive)
Similarly, fB =10×106/1696.6×104(+100)+(-2×106)/115.4×104(+50)=58.94 -86.66
= - 27.72 N / mm2(Compressive)
fC = 10 × 106/1696.6×104 (-100) + (-2×106)/115.4×104(-50)=-58.94+86.66
= - 145.6N/mm2(tensile)
Thus, the maximum compressive stress occurs at the point A, and the maximum tensile stress at D.
An angle α that the neutral axis NN makes with axis XX is given by
tan α = - Ixx/Iyy tan θ = -1696.6×104/115.4×104 tan(-11.3)
or tan α = 2.9404 ⇒ α = 71o.2 (anticlockwise).