Calculate the solubility product Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Determination of Equilibrium Constants - Calculate the solubility product

Calculate the solubility product:


Calculate the solubility product of AgCl from the data

Ag++ le → Ag(s)                                            E0Ag+,Ag = +0.799V

AgCl(s) + le → Ag (s) + Cl-                           E0AgCl,Ag = +0.222V


cell reaction can be written as:

AgCl(s) +le→ Ag(s) +Cl

  Ag(s) → Ag (s) +le


AgCl (s) =→ Ag+ +Cl-    

Log Ksp = 1[0.222-(+0.799)]/ 0.0591

Ksp = 1.82× 10-10

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