Calculate the potential of the indicator electrode Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Determination of Equilibrium Constants - Calculate the potential of the indicator electrode

Calculate the potential of the indicator electrode:


Calculate the potential of the indicator electrode at 25°C relative to S.C.E. at the equivalence point of the titration of 25.00 cm3  of 0.010 M Fe2+ with 0.010 MCr2 O2- 7 in a sol. that is buffered at pH 3.50.


On the addition of 25 cm3 of NaOH, the acid is completely neutralised giving NaCl.  The pH of the resulting solution is therefore 7 and E = 0.6560 V.

On additng 25.05 ml of NaOH, the excess volume of

NaOH = 0.05 cm3

Amount of NaOH in 0.05 cm3 solution = 0.05 × 0.1 = 0.005 mmol

Conc. of NaOH or OH¯ ions = 0.005 / 50.05 mol dm -3

Since [H+] [OH¯  ] = 10-14 at 25°C

[H+] =  (10-14 × 50.05 )/0.005 mol dm -3

Hence pH = 10.0

The corresponding E is 0.833V.

5. The half-cell Potentials in this case are

Fe2+ ↔ Fe3+ +e- ; E0Fe3+/Fe2+ =0.771 V(From Apeendix I)

Cr2O2-7 +14 H+ +6e- ↔ 2Cr3+ +7H2O; E0 CrO2-7/Cr3+ =1.33 V(From Appendix I)

The overall Potential is

6 Fe2+ + Cr2 O 2-7+ 14 H+     ↔ 6 Fe3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O;

The potential of the indicator electrode, relative to the S.H.E. is given by,

Eln =0.771-0.0591 log {[Fe2+]}/{[Fe3+]}                    ...(1)

And by Eln = 1.33 - 0.0591/6 log {[Cr3+]2/[Cr2O2-7][H+]14}   ...(2)

We must combine these two equations in such a manner as to eliminate the concentration of the reactants that cannot be calculated at the equivalence point.

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