Calculate the potential Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Determination of Equilibrium Constants - Calculate the potential

Calculate the potential:


Calculate the potential for the cell given below:


Reaction for this cell can be written as:

1(Cr2O 2-7+ 14H+   +  6e → 2Cr3+   +  7H2O)

6(Fe2+ → Fe3+ +le)


Cr2O2-7 + 14H+ + 6Fe2+ → 2Cr3+ +6Fe3+ + 7H2O

Cell potential :

Ecell = ECr2O72- / Cr3+ - EFe3+/Fe2+

Ecell ={ECr2O72- / Cr3+ - (0.0591/6) log[Cr3+]2/[Cr2O72-][H+]12}- { EFe3+/Fe2+ -(0.0591/6) log{[Fe2+]}/{[Fe3+]}

Substitute the values of standard potentials from Table 1, Appendix A, concentrations:

Ecell = {1.33 - 0.0591/6 log [0.005]2 / [0.020][0.010]14} - {0.771 - (0.0591/1) log {[0.010]}/[0.001]}

Ecell = 1.33  - 0.109 - 0.771 + 0.0591  =  0.509 V

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