Linear detector range Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Detectors - Linear detector range

Linear detector range:

Accurate quantitative analysis depends upon a linear relation among concentration and detector response. The linear range of a detector might be described as the ratio of the largest to the smallest concentration within that the detector is linear. There is a variety of detectors used in a gas chromatograph. Where, it might not be probable to go within the details of the variant detectors. The design, working and utility of a few of the important detectors might be necessary to know to make a proper choice of the detector. Keeping this in mind, a few of the detectors which are being briefly discussed here are

1.         Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

2.         Flame Ionization Detector (FID)

3.         Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

4.         Helium Ionisation Detector (HID)

5.         Flame Emission Detector (FED 

Electron Capture Detector FID sensitivity
Flame Emission Detector Flame Ionisation Detector
Helium Ionisation Detector Isotope Characteristics
Thermal Conductivity Detector Wheatstone bridge circuit
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