Integral chromatogram Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Detectors - Integral chromatogram

Integral chromatogram:

Needless to say, no detector exhibits all of these characteristics and it seems unlikely that such a detector will ever be designed. Detectors may be classified as "integrating" or "differentiating" kind. Since integrating detector gives a response proportional to the total mass of solute in the eluted zone.

As shown in Figure, when pure carrier gas passes through the detector, the strip charge recorder shows a straight line. As a solute zone passes through the recorder, pen moves across the chart by a distance proportional to the total mass of the component in the zone. While another solute zone is eluted, the pen moves further across the chart. A chromatogram generates through integrating detector consists of series of steps in that the distance among consecutive level portions of the curve is proportional to the total mass of the solute corresponding to that step. The titrating burette is an instance of an integrating detector.

1996_Integral chromatogram.png

Figure:  Integral chromatogram

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