Detector response vs time Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Detectors - Detector response vs time

Detector response vs time:

Let us first consider a detector responding to concentration. Ideally, we have the following relationship

R = K1C

where, R is detector response in millivolts,

K1 is a constant of proportionality, and

C is a concentration of the solute passing by the detector.

If the detector response is plotted against time t, we get a curve shown in Figure.

811_Detector response vs time.png

Figure:  Detector response vs. time

If the shaded area under curve is A and substituting a value of R as provided in Eq. we get

1971_Detector response vs time1.png

 Now let us assume a solute zone within the form of a plug in that the element concentration is constant and equivalent to M/V where, M is the total mass of a solute in the plug and V is the plug volume.

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