Shank Size Assignment Help

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Shank Size

The main design criterion for shank size is rigidity. The deflection at the cutting edge is restricted to a certain value based on the size of machine, cutting conditions and tool overhung. The tool overhung (L0) is associated also to the shank size as well as to the end support conditions. Figure depicts graph of the amplitude and frequency of chatter for various overhung values. It is seen from Figure that only below L0/H = 2, the amplitude is practically zero. The recommended value of (L0/H) lies between 1.2 and 2. For the given value of chatter frequency f, the shank deflection can be determined from the (Eq. 1) given as follows.

f = (15.76) / √d   c.p.s                              (1)

where, d is deflection in mm.

Now as chatter frequency ranges from 80 to 160 c.p.s.,

Let       f = 100 c.p.s

d = (15.76/100)2 ≅ 0.025 mm                         (2)

The permissible deflection of shanks is from 0.025 mm for finish cuts to 0.9 mm for rough cuts. Assuming shank as a cantilever,

d = F(L0)3 /3EI

d = F(L0)3 (12/ BH 3 ) = 4F(L0)3 /EBH 3            (3)

= 0.025 mm

It can be noted down that the same value of d has been achieved from Eq. (2.2) also.

The shank size can be determined with respect to machine tool size by the following method:

 (a) The force F for specified size of lathe is given by

F = f × t × C

where,  f refer to feed in mm,

t refer to depth of cut in mm, and

C refers to cutting force constant.

(b) Nicolsons Manchester experiments have set a standard area of cut for lathe design given by

Ac = f × t

Let, f = hc/180 mm and t = hc/25 mm

A c  =  (hc /180 )×  ( c/25)

=  (hc )2 /4500  mm2

where, hc is height of centre in mm,

Let,  σut = 440 N/mm2

C = 4σut

= 4 × 400 = 1760 N/mm2

When F = (hc)2 /4500  mm2 × 1760 N/mm2

= 0.4 (hc)2   N

On substituting the value of F = 0.4(hc)2    in Eq. (3), we get

 d = 4(0.4 (h c )2 ) (L0 )3 /EBH 3

0.025 =4(0.4 (h c )2 ) (L0 )3 /EBH 3       

As, d = 0.025 from Eq. (2.2). Thus,

= 1.6 (h c )2 ) (L0 )3 /EBH 3

B = 0.6 H for rectangular shanks

Then, (h c )2 /H4    = 0.6 ED/(L0 )3

Let  L0  = 3 mm, E = 200 kN/mm2

and d = 0.025 mm, (From Eq. (2))

On substituting these values in above equation, i.e. (h c )2 /H4    = 0.6 ED/(L0 )3  we get

(h c )2 /H4    = 1000m-2

Table depicted the standard shank size according to this rule.


Height of Centres


hc (mm)

Shank Size

H (mm)

B (mm)










Usually the shank size is also verified for strength.


FL0  = (1/6) BH 2  σ1

∴ σ =   6FL0 /BH2

When the effect of Fx included,

σ= σ 1+ σ 2 = (6FL0  / BH)+ (6 FL0    / HB2 )                  (4)

Fx = Component of force F working in x direction (in Newton)

Fx = 0.3 to 0.40 F


σ =       6FL0  (0.4 /B) + (1/H) < σper                                 (5)

This can be expressed as

F = { BH/(0.4/B) + (1/H)} σper/6L0                                     (6)

where, F refer to permissible tangential force during machining. The maximum depth of shank (Hmax) has to be less than the value hk as illustrated in Table                                              


hk (mm)














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