Transform Mapping Assignment Help

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Transform Mapping

The Transform mapping is collection of design steps which allow a Data Flow Diagram with transform flow characteristics to be mapped into a predefined sample for program structure. In this section transform mapping is define through applying design steps to an example system-a portion of the Safe Home security software presented in previous chapters.

An example

The Safe Home security system introduced previously in this book it is representative of several computer based systems and products in use present.  The product monitors the real world and reacts to changes which it encounters. It also interacts with a user by a series of typed alphanumeric and inputs displays. The level zero data flow diagram for Safe Home reproduced.

In the during requirements analysis more detailed flow models would be established for Safe Home.Additionally, process and control specifications   a data dictionary and several behavioral models would also be established.

Design Steps Design Steps part-1
Design Steps part-2 Design Steps-narrative describtion
Design Steps-narrative description part-2
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