Procedural Design Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Design Method -2 - Procedural Design

Procedural Design

The Procedural design happens after architectural data and interface design have been building. In an ideal world the procedural specification need to describe algorithmic details would be stated in a natural language like as English. After all members of a software development company all speak a natural language people outside the software domain could moved readily understand and specification no new learning would be needed.

Uncertainly there is one little problem. The Procedural design must exact procedural detail unambiguously and a lack of ambiguity in a natural language in not natural. By using a natural language we can write a group of procedural steps in too various different ways. Often we rely on circumstance to get a point across. We often write as if a dialog with the reader were possible. For these and several other reasons a more constrained mode for representing procedural detail must be used.

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