General Interaction Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Design Method -2 - General Interaction

General Interaction

The Guidelines for general interaction often cross the boundary into information display overall and data entry system control. They are thus all-encompassing and are ignored at great risk. The subsequent guidelines focus on common interaction:

Be Consistent.
Use a consistent format for menu selection command the myriad and input data display other functions which occur in a HCI.

Offer meaningful feedback It gives the user with visual and auditory feedback to ensure in which two way communications between user and interface is build.

Ask for verification 0f any nontrivial destructive action If a user requests the deletion of a file indicates which substantial information’s to be asks or overwritten for the terminating of a program

Permit easy reversal of most actions. The REVERSE or UNDO functions have saved 10 of 1000 of end users from millions of hours of frustration. Reversal should be available in every interactive application.

Reduce the amount of information that must be memorized among actions. The user should not be expected to remember a list of numbers or names so which he or she can reuse them in a subsequent function. The Memory load should be minimized.

Seek efficiency in dialog, motion, and thought. The Keystroke should be minimized at the distance a mouse must trace among picks should be considered in designing screen layout the user should rarely encounter a condition.

Forgive mistakes. The system should protect itself from errors which might cause it to fail.

Categorize activities by function and organize screen geography accord singly. One of the key advantages of the pull- down menu is the ability to organize command through type.  In essence the designer should strive for cohesive placement of actions and commands.

Provide help facilities that are context sensitive use simple auctioneers or short verb phrases to name commands. A lengthy command name is more hard to known and recall. It may also take up unnecessary space in menu lists.

Data Input Information Display
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