Bars of Varying Cross Section Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Deformation of Bars - Bars of Varying Cross Section

Bars of Varying Cross Section:

Let us now assume a few cases of a little more complexity. To provide you a feeling of solid reality all solids have so far been represented through pictorial views. Figure 16 represents the projected view of a bar whose cross sectional area differs in various segments. Taking the elastic modulus of the material as 60 kN/mm2, let us elaborates the total elongation of the bar.

1057_Bars of Varying Cross Section.png


While the bar has no uniform cross-section, it consists of segments of uniform cross section. Therefore, the total elongation of the bar could be computed as a sum of the elongations of individual segments.

Thus,  δ = Σδi =   P1L1/A1E1 + P2L2/A2 E2 + ... + PiLi/Ai Ei + ...

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