SS Beams with Triangular Load Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Deflections of Simply Supported Beams - SS Beams with Triangular Load

SS Beams with Triangular Load:

Figure illustrates a simply supported beam with distributed load which uniformly increases from 0 at A (x = 0) to w/unit length at B (x = l). Therefore, to load diagram appears as a triangle. Actually the total load = area of the triangle = (½) wl and at any section X-X at a distance x from A the rate of loading shall be  wx/ l , so that the load of shaded triangle = (1 /2)(wx/l) x = (1 /2)wx . This load will act at a distance of 2x/3  from  (centroid of triangles). The sum of the reactions (RA + RB) shall be equal to the load of entire triangle, that is

∑ y = 0


RA  + RB = (½) × l × w = (wl/2)

1382_SS Beams with Triangular Load.png

              SS Beam with Triangular Load

Taking moments around A,

wl /2× 2l/3 = R B   × l

R B   = wl/3 (↑)           ----------- (38)

From Eqs. (9.37) and (9.38),

R A   = w l /6 (↑)                          ------------ (39)

Let a section X-X at distance x from A,

Intensity of load = (wl /x)

M = R A  x - (½) (wl/x) . x . (x/3)

            = wl x/6 - w x3/6l

The governing equation for deflection is following

EI (d 2 y/ dx2)  = M =  wl x/6  - w x3/6l

Integrating the Eq. (41), we can obtain

EI (dy/ dx)      = w l x2/12 - w x4 /24l + C1

EIy = wl x3 /36- w x5/120l + C1 x + C2

 The constants C1 & C2 may be found from the boundary conditions. The boundary conditions are following :

 at A,           x = 0,            y = 0

at B,             x = l,             y = 0

 Applying the BC (1) to the Equation (43), we can obtain C2 = 0.

Applying the BC (2),

0 = wl 4 /36- w l 4 /120 + C1

C1 = (wl 4 /360 l )[3 - 10] = - 7 wl3/ 360

The slope & deflection equation shall be :

EI (dy /dx)= w l x 2 /12-w x4 /24l - (7 /360)w l 3

EIy = wl x3/36-w x5/120 l- (7/360) w l 3 x

Slope at A, (x = 0)

            ( dy/dx) A= θA =- 7 w l3/360 EI

Slope at B, (x = l)

EI (dy/dx) B= EI θB  = w l3 /12- w l3  /24 -   (7 /360 )w l 3

=          wl 3/360 [30 - 15 - 7] = wl 3/45

∴          θ B =    wl3/ 45 EI

Slope at mid-span, (x = l/2)  .

EI (dy/dx) = EI θC      = wl3 /48   -    wl 3 / (24 × 16) -   (7/360)   w l 3

= (wl3/24 × 16 × 15 )[30 - 15 - 7 × 16] = -67 wl 3/   5760

∴          θC        = -67 wl 3/5760EI

Deflection at centre, (x = l /2) .

EI y     =  (wl4 /(36 × 8) ) -(w l4/(12 × 32)       - (7 /360 × 2)w l 4

= (wl 4/630 × 32) [40 - 3 - 7 × 16] = - 71w l 4  /11520

 For maximum deflection,

dy / dx = 0

From Eq. (42),

0 = wl x2 /12 -            w x4 /24 l -      (7/360) wl3

⇒         0 = 30 l 2 x2  - 15 x4  - 7 l 4

⇒ x4  - 2 l 2 x2  +  7/15

∴  x = 0.5193l

From Eq. (43),

EI ymax  = wl /36 (0.5193l ) 3- w/120 l - (0.5193l )5

              -(7/360 × 2 )wl 3 (0.5193l )

= (wl 4 /360)    [14 - 0.11 - 3.64] = wl 4 / 153

∴          ymax  =- wl 4  /154

1466_SS Beams with Triangular Load1.png

(a) Beam

53_SS Beams with Triangular Load2.png

(b) Slope Diagram

2249_SS Beams with Triangular Load3.png

 (c) Deflection Diagram


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