Deflections of Simply Supported Beams Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Deflection of Beams - Deflections of Simply Supported Beams

Deflections of Simply Supported Beams (SS BEAMS):

Simply supported beam is supported on one hinged support & other roller support. The loads might be point loads or concentrated or distributed. Distributed loads might be uniformly distributed or distributed in any other manner. Triangular distribution is common, Udl, triangular loads, etc.

SS Beams with Central Point Load

AC = CB = l /2

Because of symmetry,

R A   = R B  = W / 2

Boundary conditions are known values of deflection & slope at particular values of

x. The Boundary Condition (BC) for this problem are :

(a) At x = 0, y = 0.

(b) At x = l, y = 0

(c) At x = l/2, dy/ dx = 0

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Consider a section X-X at a distance x from A,

M = R A x - W ( x -( l /2)

= (W/2)  x - W (x - l /2)

The governing equation for deflection is :

EI (d 2 y/ dx2 )  = M

or         EI (d 2 y/ dx2) = (W/2)x - W ( x - ½) 2 < x < l

Consider a section X-X at a distance x from A,

M = RA  x - W (x -( l/2)

= (W/2)  x - W ( x - (l/2)

The governing equation for deflection is :

EI ( d 2 y/ dx2 ) = M

or         EI(d 2 y/ dx2)

= (W/2) x - W ( x -(l/ 2 ))   (2 < x < l )

Integrating the above equation, we might obtain

EI( dy/ dx)      =( W/2)(  x2/2) -( W/ 2) - (x - (1/2))2 + C1

C1 is constant for integration.

Apply B.C 3, that is at

x = l /2 , dy/dx = 0

0 = (W /2)(l 2 /8) + C1

C1 = - W l 2 /16

 Integrating the above equation, we might get

EIy =   (W/4)( x3/3) - ((w/6)(x-(1/2))3 + C1 x + C2

∴          EIy =(w/4)( x3 /4)-( W  /6)  (x-(1/2))3 -Wl2x/16 + C2

with B.C 2, y = 0 at x = l

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0 = (W/12) l3  - (W/48) l3  - (W/16) l 3  + C2

or         C2 = 0

Here is the constant of integration.

Applying the boundary condition (2) to the Eq. (10). By applying the BC (2) to the Eq., we will get

0 = (W/4)( l 2/ 4) + C1 

C1 =- W l 2 / 16

∴ The slope and deflection shall be :

EI(dy/dx) = W x2/4-( W/2)(x-(1/2))2 - W l 2/16 (1/2) < x < l )

EIy = W x3     /12 -(w/6)(x-(1/2))3- W l 2/16

SS Beams with a Couple SS Beams with a Point Load Anywhere on Span
SS Beams with an End Couple SS Beams with Equal End Couples
SS Beams with Triangular Load SS Beams with UDL
Variation of slope
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