Deflection of Cantilever Beams Assignment Help

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Deflection of Cantilever Beams:

Cantilever beams are fixed at one end and the other end is free. Since the x-axis is taken from left to right, the free end is taken at the left for convenience.

Cantilever Beams along Single Concentrated Load at Free End

Consider a cantilever beam loaded with a point load 'W' at free end. Consider a section X-X at a distance x from left end.

                      M = - W . x           (Hogging BM)

 The governing equation for deflection is following

EI = d 2 y / dx2 = M = - W x

1264_Deflection of Cantilever Beams.png


Integrating the Eq. (93), we might get

EI( dy/ dx) = - W x2 /2 + C1

EIy =- W x3 / 6   + C1 x + C2

The constants C1 and C2 can be found from the boundary conditions. The boundary conditions are following :

At B,             x = l,   dy/ dx      = 0 (Fixed end) ------------ (1)

At B,                 x = l,      y = 0                  -------- (2)

Applying the BC (1) into the Eq. (94), we might get

0 = - W l 2 /2   + C1

∴          C1  =+  W l 2 /2

 Applying BC (2) into the Eq. (95), we might  get

0 = - W l 3 /6+ W l 2 /2 × l + C2

C2  =- W l 3 /3

The slope and deflection equations shall be :

EI (dy/dx)  = - Wl2 /2 +wl2/2

EIy= Wx3 /6 + Wl2x/2 - Wl3/3

The maximum slope occurs at x = 0.

Slope at free end,

 θ A  = + W l 2/ 2 EI

The maximum deflection occurs at x = 0.

ymax  =- W l 3 / 3 EI

Slope at centre ( x = l/2) ,

EI θC = -  W/2(1/2)2 + (Wl2/2)

θA = +3W l 2/8 EI

Deflection at centre (x = l/2)  ,

EIyC  =- (w/6)(1/2)3 + W l 2/2´ (l/2)-  W l 3 /3

=- (W l 3 /48 )[- 1 + 12 - 16] =  - 5 W l3/48

 ∴         yC    =- 5 W l3/48 EI

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