Strategic Management Model Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Definition of Strategic Management - Strategic Management Model

Strategic Management Model:-

The above model can be explained as follows:-

1.    The overall mission or purpose of the organisation is defined such a task is undertaken infrequently.

2.    The fundamental long term aims and goals of the organisation are agreed i.e. the core business.

- These aims/goals may be or changed added from time to time.

3.    Mechanisms are established to ensure that strategic thinking process does take place. This include data collection mechanisms, consultation arrangement as well as decision making meetings. The key investigation at this stage will relate to theory’s position in its market and especially to its competitive situation.

4.    The key product market, resourcing, quality and other major decisions are agreed by the senior management.

5.    Appropriate original structures are put in place to ensure that strategic decisions are carried out throughout the organisation and implemented in accordance with agree policies.

6.    Results are reviewed and appropriate changes are made to aims and goals or to mission or purpose of the organisation.

7.    All the above activities are influenced both by internal and external environment

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