Computing the points Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> De Casteljaus Algorithm - Computing the points

Computing the points:

This result gives us a simple way for computing p(u, v) given (u, v). Here is why. As each qi (v) is a point on the Bézier curve indicated by the i-th row of control points : pi0, pi1, . . . , pin. Thus, for the i-th row and a given v, we may apply de Casteljau's algorithm for Bézier curve to calculate qi (v). After m + 1 applications of de Casteljau's algorithm (that means one for each row), we will have q0(v), q1(v), ..., qm(v) in hand. Then, applying de Casteljau's algorithm to these m + 1 control points again with u yields the final point p(u, v) onto the surface!

It illustrates this concept. The given surface is a degree (2, 2) Bézier surface described by a 3 × 3 control net. Imagine u = 2/3 and v = 1/3. To find out q0 (1/3), we take the 0-th row of control points p00, p01 and p02 and by apply de Casteljau's algorithm to this Bézier curve with v = 1/3. Repeat this for the first row & the second row with v = 1/3. This yields three intermediate control points q0 (1/3), q1 (1/3) and q2 (1/3). At last, apply de Casteljau's algorithm to these three new control points with u = 2/3. The result is p(2/3,1/3).

At last , the following summarizes this algorithm :

Input : a m + 1 rows and n + 1 columns of control points & (u, v).

Output : point on surface p(u, v).

Algorithm : for i = 0 to m do


          By Apply de Casteljau's algorithm to the i-th row of control points along with v;

          Consider the point obtained be qi (v);


Apply de Casteljau's algorithm to q0 (v), q1 (v), . . . , qm (v) with u;

The point obtained is p(u, v);

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