Double Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Data Types - Double


Double precision, as indicates by the double keyword will use 64 bits to store a value. A Double precision is really faster than single precision on some modern processors which have been optimized for high speed mathematical calculations. Whole transcendental math functions, such as sin (), cos() , and sqrt(), return double values. Whenever  you  required  to  manage  accuracy  over  several  interative  calculations, or  are manipulating huge values numbers, double is the finest choice.

Here is a short program which uses double variables to compute the area of a circle:

// Compute the area of a circle.

class Area {

public static void main (String args [ ] ) {

double pi, r, a ;

r = 10.8; // radius of circle

pi = 3.1416; // pi, approximately

a = pi * r * r; // compute area

system.out.println ("Area of circle is" a) ;



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