Passing References to Objects
No copy of the object is made when you pass by reference. Which means that no object used as a parameter is destroyed when the function terminates and the parameter's destructor is not called. For instance, try this program:
class c1
int id; public: int i; c1(int i);
void neg(c1 &o){0.i=-0.i;}
c1::c1(int num)
cout <<"Constructing"<<num<<"\n";
cout <<"Destructing "<<id<<"\n";
c1 o(1); o.i=10; o.neg(o);
cout <<o.i<<"\n";
return 0;
here is the output of the program:
Constructing 1
-10 destructing 1
as we can see, only one call is made to c1's destructor function. Had o been passed through value, a second object would have been created inside the neg() and the destructor would have been called a second time when that object was destroyed at the time neg() terminated.
When we passing the parameters by reference, note that modifications to the object within the function affect the calling object.