Basic Elements of C++ Character Set Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Data Types, Variables and Operators in C++ - Basic Elements of C++ Character Set

Basic Elements of C++ Character Set

Characters are used to form the numbers, words, and expressions. The characters in C++ are grouped into the following types: -

1 Character set          alphabets from A.....Z or a....z

all decimal digits from 0....9characters,    .           ;           :           ?

'           "          !|         /          \          ~          _          mce_markernbsp;         %         #&       ^

*           -           +          <          >          ()          [           ]           {           } Spaces blank

New Line       endl

Data Types Escape Sequences
Floating-Point Constants Integer Constants
Keywords and Identifiers Numeric and Character Constants
Single Character Constants String Constants
Type Modifiers
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