Assignment Operators Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Data Types, Variables and Operators in C++ - Assignment Operators

Assignment Operator

Assignment operator (=) is used to assign the result of an expression to a variable. It takes the form as: -

var_name = expression;

above given var_name is the name if the variable that will be assigned the value of expression through the assignment operator (=).


char name;

int a, b, c;

name = "Ashu";        /*  the  variable  name  is  assigned  the  value, Ashu */        

a = 12; /* a is assigned the value 12 */

b = 98;            /* b is assigned the value 98 */


c = a + b         /* c is assigned the sum of a and b */

Further to this, C++ has a set of 'shorthand' assignment operators of the form:

var_name oper= expression;

oper is a binary arithmetic operator. The operator oper=   is known as the 'shorthand' assignment operator. The assignment declaration var_name oper= expression is equivalent to

var_name = var_name oper expression;


count = count + 1;

is equivalent to

count+ = 1;

The shorthand operator += means ' increment count through 1'.

More examples

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