Table Parts Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Data Tabulation - Table Parts

Table Parts

The number of parts of a table varies from case to case, depending upon the given data. However the important parts of a table in normal are discussed here:

(1) Table number: - every take must be numbered. There are various practices with regard to the place where this number is to be given. The number might be given either in the center, or at the top above the title or inside of the title, at the top or in the bottom of the table on the left hand side. However, if space allows the table number must be given in the center as is shown in the specimen table given on the page. When there is so, then easy reference is to be possible.

(2) Title of the table: - each table must given a suitable title. The title is the description of the contents of the table. A complete title has to answer the question where, what and when in that sequence. In other words:

(a) What exactly are the data in the table i.e. what categories of statistical data are represented?

(b) Where the data appeared i.e. the exact political, geographical or physical area covered?

(c) When the data appeared i.e. the specific time or period covered by the statistical material in the table?

(3) Caption: - The caption refers to the column headings. It describes what the column shows it may consist of one or more column headings. Under a column heading there may be a sub-heads. The caption must be clearly defined and placed at the middle of the column, if the different columns are expressed in different units. The units must be mentioned with the captions. As compared with the main part of the table the caption must be shown in smaller letters. This helps in saving the space.

(4) Stub: - as distinguished from caption, studs are the posts of the rows or row heading. They are at utmost left and perform the same function for the horizontal rows of numbers in the table as the column headings do for the vertical columns of numbers. The stubs are usually vast than column headings but must be kept as narrow as possible without sacrificing precision and clarity of statements.

(5) Body: - the body of the table contains the numerical information. This is the most vital part of the data presented in the body arranged according to the description or classifications of the captions and stubs.

(6) Head note: - it is a brief explanatory statement applying to all or a major part of the material in the table, and is placed below to the point centered and enclosed in brackets. It is used to explain certain points relating to the entire table that have not been included in the title nor in the captions or stubs. For e.g., the unit of measurement is often written as a head note, like 'in thousand

(7) Footnotes: - anything in a table which the reader may find difficult to understand from the title, stubs, and captions must be explained in footnotes. If footnotes are required they are placed directly below the body of the table. The Footnotes are used for the following purposes:

(a) To point out any exceptions as to the basis of arriving at the data

(b) Any special circumstances affecting the data, for e.g., lock-out fire, strike, etc.

(c) To clarify anything in the table

(d) To give the source in case of the secondary data.

Format of a table:


Head Note

Stub Heading

Caption Heading-Column heading

Stub Entries



Table Number

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