Treatment to Floors
In places while the soil water table is low and rainfall is not much, a 75 to 100 mm thick layer of coarse sand is first spread over the whole area of flooring on the prepared bed of rammed earth. Instead, this layer could comprise stone soling along with voids filled within smaller stones. This layer is called as base course and its material is well rammed. A 75 to 100 mm thick layer of lean cement concrete (1: 3: 6 or 1: 4: 8) mix or lime concrete is thereafter laid over the base course. This will follows the base for the floor topping that might comprise tiles, stone or cement concrete and etc. In places whereas the sub soil water table is high, or within damp or humid fields, where there is possibility of moisture rising up in the floors, it is essential to give membrane DPC of flexible material such as bitumen felt etc. over the entire area of flooring (Figure 5).

Figure: DPC for Flooring