Microtubules Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Cytoskeleton and Molecular Motors - Microtubules


The 3rd type of cytoskeletal  filaments,  the microtubules,  find out the position of membrane-bound organelles and directs their intracellular  transport. For instance,  during mitosis the  mitotic  spindle  involved  in  separating  the  replicated  chromosome is an assembly  of microtubules.  Microtubules are like hollow cylindrical structures containing an outer diameter of 25 nm that are built from the protein tubulin. Rigid wall of a microtubule  is made up of a helical array  of  alternating  α- and  β-tubulin  subunits,  each  50  kDa  in  size.  Through a microtubule a cross- section reveals that there are 13 tubulin subunits per turn of the filament.  In cells Microtubules are formed by the addition of α- and β- tubulin molecules to nucleation centers or pre-existing filaments. Usually One end of the microtubule is linked to a microtubule-organizing center called a centrosome.  The drugs vinblastine and colchicine inhibit the polymerization of microtubules, so blocking cell processes such as cell division that based on functioning microtubules. Another compound, taxol, stabilizes tubulin in promotes polymerization and microtubules. Some of these compounds, like taxol and vinblastine, are being used as anticancer drugs as they block the proliferation of quickly dividing cells by interfering with the mitotic spindle.

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