Methods of Curing Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Curing of Concrete - Methods of Curing

Methods of Curing:

Different methods of curing are used for maintaining the concrete in a moist condition over a period of several days till it hardens and attains full strength. The method of curing depends upon the nature of work and atmospheric conditions. Following methods are generally used for curing.

(a)        Sprinkling water,

(b)       Ponding method,

(c)        Membrane curing,

(d)       Covering concrete surfaces along with gunny bags,

(e)        Shading concrete works,

(f)        Chemical curing,

(g)       Steam curing,

(h)       Curing of concrete by infrared radiation, and

(i)        Electrical curing of concrete.

Sprinkling Water

Excellent method of curing is the continuous sprinkling of water. The quantity of water required by this method to cure concrete is much more than other methods. The concrete must not be allowed to dry between applications of water if water is sprinkled in interval. A constant supply of water helps in preventing the formation of cracks caused by alternate wetting and drying.

Covering Concrete Surfaces and Infrared Radiation Electrical Curing of Concrete
Membrane Curing Ponding Methods
Shading Concrete Works and Chemical Curing Steam Curing
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