Duration for Curing Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Curing of Concrete - Duration for Curing

Duration for Curing:

As per IS 456: 1964, the concrete should be cured for at least seven days. The strength of concrete increases by 50% than that which is exposed to dry air for the whole period. The duration for that concrete should be protected against loss of water depends upon weather, cement mass and future exposure conditions. The period of curing may be a month or even more for lean concrete mixtures used in massive structures like as dams. The curing might extend for few days for richer mixes. As all the properties of concrete are improved by curing, therefore, it must be as long as practicable in all cases. A Concrete must be kept at a temperature that is favorable for hydration.

Table: Strength of Cement Concrete with Different Periods of Curing

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