Specialized Corrosion Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Corrosion - Specialized Corrosion

Specialized Corrosion:

The environment in that a metal exists has direct bearing on the corrosion rate of that particular metal.  Since of the unique environment probable within the nuclear organization, there are a few specialized categories of corrosion which must be considered.

 DEFINE the following terms:

a. Pitting corrosion

b. Crevice corrosion

c. Stress corrosion cracking

STATE the two conditions essential for pitting corrosion to occur.

STATE the particular hazard related along with pitting corrosion.

STATE the four controls used to minimize pitting corrosion.

IDENTIFY the three conditions essential for stress corrosion cracking to occur.

DEFINE the term chemisorption.

STATE the hazard of stress corrosion cracking.

STATE the three controls used to prevent stress corrosion cracking.

DESCRIBE the two types of stress corrosion cracking which are of major concern to nuclear facilities including:

a. Conditions for occurrence

b. Method(s) used to minimize the probability of occurrence

Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
Pit in Metal Surface Pitting and Crevice Corrosion
Representation of Crevice Pitting Stress Corrosion Cracking
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