Crud and Galvanic Corrosion Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Corrosion - Crud and Galvanic Corrosion

Crud and Galvanic Corrosion:

A main potential problem is crud. Crud could cause an increase within background radiation levels.  While two dissimilar metals are within close vicinity, the opportunity for ion transfer is high.  An output is a perfect environment for galvanic corrosion.  As of the numerous categories of materials used in nuclear facilities then galvanic corrosion is a main concern.

DEFINE the following terms:

a. Crud

b. Scale

c. Galvanic corrosion

 IDENTIFY the five problems related with the presence or release of crud into reactor coolant.

 STATE the four causes of crud bursts.

  STATE the two conditions which could cause galvanic corrosion.

  EXPLAIN the mechanism for galvanic corrosion.

  IDENTIFY the two locations that are susceptible to galvanic corrosion.

  STATE the five control measures used to minimize galvanic corrosion.

Crud Galvanic Corrosion
Prevention of Galvanic Corrosion
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