Non-iterative Methods of Obtaining ρ:
A couple of simple methods of obtaining a crude estimate of p are as follows:
Using the Durbin- Watson statistic: Since d has been estimated earlier while conducting the test, and we know that as the sample gets large that is as T+w, this statistic tends to 2(1-p). We can use this fact to construct the estimator:

Note that this estimator is only good for very large samples and in small samples this gives highly inaccurate results and should be avoided. From residuals : Ifthe AR(1) scheme
,is true, then p can be obtained easily by running a regression of the residuals u, on ut-1. That is,

Nolethat the equation (2) does not have a constant. The estimate of p obtained is consistent since the zi, are consistent estimators of the true u,. Again, this estimate can be used in the transformation to obtain the BLUE estimates of β1, and β2 respectively, after applying the Cochrane-Drcutt transformatioil given at (2).
Durbin 's Method: One can rearrange by moving the Yt-1, term to the right hand side, so that

and running OLS on instead. Note that no prior estimate of p is required here. The error in 3 is classical, and we can show that the estimate of p obtained as the coefficient of Yt-1, in this case is biased but consistent. This is the Durbin estimate of p0 let us call it p0. Next, the seeond step of the Cochrane- Orcutt procedure is performed by using this estimate of p. That is, we estimate the regression by using this &, to get the estimates of β1, and β2.