Iterative Methods Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Correcting for autocorrelation - Iterative Methods

Iterative Methods:

Apart from the non-interative methods mentioned above, there are a Ew  iterative methods of obtaining p. These are discussed below.  

The Cochrane-Orcutt method

This method starts with an initial estimate of ρ, the most convenient being 0, and the OLS estimates of β1  and β2  from (7.3),  since we have assumed  that ρ = 0. Note that if we start with an assumption other than ρ=  0 then we need to use equation (7.20)  and not (7.3). Once we have the OLS estimates we can calculate  the residuals422_iterative Methods1.png, also. Then we rum  the same  regression as in (7.22) above. The resulting estimate of p  is115_iterative Methods.pngwhere both summations  run over t=2,3,  ...,  T since one observation  is  lost due to lags. The  second step of the Cochrane-Orcutt method is  to perform  the regression in (7.20) with 6,  instead of ρ. We  can also iterate this procedure by  computing new residuals based on the new estimates  of 4  and 4  from (7.20), which are  then used to calculate a new value of 564_iterative Methods2.png,  and so on until convergence takes place. It means  that successive values of  the ρ that is estimated do not change  substantially,  say  the difference  is less  than 0.0  1.

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