Choice Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Controls and Events - Choice


A Choice class implements a pop-up menu of choices.  Just the current choice is visible in a Choice component. A choice can be modified through popping up the list of choices through clicking on the menu and selecting another item on the choice list.

Constructing a pop-up menu of choices includes the subsequent steps:

Creating choice object by using the single default constructor given.

Adding the items using the add( ) method.

void add(String item)


The Choice class also declares methods for inserting and removing item from the pop-up menus

// Illustrating choice

import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class ChoiceApplet extends Applet


public void init ( )


Choice pizzaChoice = new Choice ( );

pizzaChoice.add("Large Pan Pizza");

pizzaChoice.add("Medium Pan Pizza");

pizzaChoice.add("Small Pan Pizza");




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