Checkbox group Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Controls and Events - Checkbox group

Checkbox group:

A class java.awt.CheckboxGroup can be used to control the behaviour of a group of checkboxes. Like a group just permit a single selection.  By Clicking on a different check box in a group automatically unchecks the previous check box.  Like as mutually exclusive check boxes are frequently called radio buttons.

The following methods return the currently chosen check box and set a particular check box as the current selection in a CheckboxGroup:

CheckboxGroup getSelectedCheckbox( )

void setSelectedChekbox(Checkbox box)

CheckboxGroup object does not have a graphical representation, and it's not a subclass of part. A CheckboxGroup is only a class to implement mutual exclusion between a set of checkboxes.

// Illustration of Radio buttons

import java. awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class CheckboxGroupApplet extends Applet


public void init ( )


CheckboxGroup pizzaGroup = new CheckboxGroup ( );

CheckboxGroup cbLarge = new CheckboxGroup("Large Pan Pizza", pizzaGroup, false);

CheckboxGroup bMedium=new CheckboxGroup("MediumPan Pizza",true,pizzaGroup);

CheckboxGroup cbSmall = new CheckboxGroup("Small Pan Pizza", false);







2123_Checkbox group.png

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