Canvas Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Controls and Events - Canvas


A Canvas class gives the ability to construct generic GUI components.  A class does not have any default graphical representation, or any event handlers of its own. It inherits these capabilities from its super class Component. A Canvas class is commonly subclassed to construct customized GUI components consisting of drawing or images, and could handle user input events relating to mouse and keyboard actions. Its paint ( ) method is commonly overridden to render graphics in the component

// Illustrating Canvas

import java.awt.*;

import java.applet.*;

public class CanvasApplet extends Applet


public void init( )


DrawingRegion region = new DrawingRegion ( );




class DrawingRegion extends Canvas


public DrawingRegion




public void paint (Graphics g)


g.drawRect(0,0,149,149);     //draw border around region

g.drawstring("A 150 x 150 Canvas", 20,20);          //draw string



The given code draws a rectangular region on a canvas.


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