A potentiostat is an electronic device that manages the potential of the working electrode at a constant level associative to a reference electrode. Figure is a schematic diagram of a potentiostatic coulometry.
Let consider the circuit of the diagram: The two resistances within the diagram correspond to resistances in two categories of the electrochemical cell. Here Rs is the cell resistance among the counter electrode and the tip P of the reference electrode and Ru is the so-called uncompensated cell resistance that is the cell resistance among P and the working electrode. Since of the extremely high resistance of the inputs to the operational amplifier, there is no current in the feedback loop to the inverting input. An operational amplifier works to keep E1 and E2 equivalent in the non- inverting configuration and the cell current IC is supplied through the operational amplifier to manage this condition. If we assume the path among the inverting input and the circuit general at the outcome, we see that
E2 = E1 = ESCE + ICRu = ESCE + EC
Here in the equation EC is the cathode potential and is equivalent to the potential difference among P and the working electrode. Because E1 and ESCE are constant, ICRU must also be constant. In during of electrolysis, if RU and RS modifies, the operational amplifier output voltage changes within such a way so as to manage EC = ICRu at a constant level. If Ru reduces, the operational amplifier output voltage increases to manage EC constant. If Ru increases as a result of an increase within the cell resistance or because of concentration polarisation, the outcome voltage of the operational amplifier decreases, that leads to a decrease in IC.