Applications Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Contouring - Applications


Some of the significant uses of contour maps are as follows:

(a)        Intervisibility of two given points could be ascertained from the contour map.

(b)       Inspection of contour map can provide information regarding character of the tract of the country, e.g. while it is flat, undulating or mountainous etc.

(c)        Contour maps could help in selection of most economical and suitable site for engineering works like reservoir, canal, sewer, road or railway.

(d)       Earthwork computation could be done with the help of the contour maps.

(e)        From a provided contour plan the section along any given direction could be drawn to know the general shape of the ground or to use it for earthwork calculations.

(f)        Contour plan might be used to calculate the capacity of the reservoir.


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