Dissonance - Reducing Buying Behaviour Assignment Help

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Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behaviour

Dissonance reducing buying behaviour takes place when consumers are greatly involved with an, infrequent, expensive or risky purchase, but see little difference amongst brands. For instance, consumers buying carpeting can face a high-involvement decision because carpeting is costly and self-expressive. Still buyers may consider most carpet brands in a given cost range to be the same. In this type of case, because perceived brand differences are not high, buyers may shop approximately to learn what is available, but buy relatively rapidly. They can respond chiefly to a good price or to purchase convenience.

After the purchasing, consumers may experience post purchase dissonance (after-sale discomfort) when they notice sure disadvantages of purchased carpet brand or hear favourable things regarding brands not purchased. To counter such type dissonance, the marketer's after-sale communications would provide evidence and help consumers feel good regarding their brand choices.

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