Coulometric analysis:
We began our study on coulometric analysis along with the simple Faraday's laws of electrolysis. Through making use of these laws, we solved a few problems to calculate the mass of an element deposited through the passage of known quantity of current. A current measuring device known as coulometer was explained. We elaborate about the different categories of coulometers.
We then elaborate in brief the kinds of coulometric methods. Particular characteristics' of coulometric methods and their importance in electroanalysis were explained in detail.
The two important methods, potentiostatic and amperostatic coulometry were discussed in detail. We briefly had seen at the principle and instrumentation of the method. Applications of potentiostatic coulometry and its benefits over electrogravimetry were elaborates in detail. Amperostatic coulometry generally known as coulometric titrations was dealt in detail. We learnt about the cell assembly - external and internal generation of titrants and detection of end points within coulometric titrations. We at last discussed some of the applications of coulometric titrations in several categories of analysis and their advantages.