Measurement Error in X:
We have taken the true regression model deviation form to be
![19_Measurement Error in X.png](
Now let us assume that explanatory variable x, is measured with error and the observed value becomes x,' such that
![770_Measurement Error in X1.png](
![599_Measurement Error in X2.png](
We have assumed earlier that the measurement error in x is normally distributed with zero mean, it has no serial correlation, and it is uncorrelated with E, . However, we can no longer assume that the composite error term w, is independent of the explanatory variable xi* .
![1639_Measurement Error in X4.png](
The composite error term w, has mean zero as
Thus, the explanatory variable and the error term are correlated, which violates the cpcial assumption of the classical linear regression model that the explanatory variable is uncorrelated with the stochastic disturbance term. If this assumption is violated, then OLS estimates are not only biased but also inconsistent; they remain biased asymptotically, Let us now show this.
Instead of being able to estimate true relationship (9.1), we are forced to replace xi by xi*. Now the OLS estimator is
![1873_Measurement Error in X6.png](
From above we find that β is a biased estimate as E(β) ≠ β. Let us see the asymptotic properties of β. Since vi and qi are stochastic and are uncorrelated with each other as well as with x,, we can say that
![546_Measurement Error in X7.png](
![1705_Measurement Error in X8.png](
Thus, β' is biased even for an infinite sample and β' is an inconsistent estimator of β.