Heat Transfer in Condensers Assignment Help

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Heat Transfer in Condensers:

In a water-cooled condenser the heat transfer is described by the Equation given below

284_Heat Transfer in Condensers.png              ...3.18

Here U indicates the overall heat transfer coefficient depends on the surface area A of the condenser and ?t indicate the overall temperature difference. Given figure illustrate the components of the heat-transfer resistance in a water-cooled condenser, like as the outside metal wall, refrigerant film, scaling on water-side surface & inside- water film. The whole resistance is attained by adding all the resistances that are in series.

2423_Heat Transfer in Condensers1.png

    Thermal Resistance in Water-Cooled Condenser

1012_Heat Transfer in Condensers2.png


U0 = Overall heat-transfer coefficient depend on the outside surface area

h0= Condensing film coefficient of heat transfer

A0 = Outside or refrigerant-side area

k = Thermal conductivity of the tube material

Am = Mean tube surface area

hf = Coefficient of heat transfer through the scale

Ai = Inside or water-side area

hi= Water-side coefficient of heat transfer.

Therefore the overall heat-transfer coefficient may be found out from the above Equation 3.19 after determining the individual resistances.

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