Deposition - Curing and Finishing of Concrete Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Concrete Technology - Deposition - Curing and Finishing of Concrete

Deposition - Curing and Finishing of Concrete:

Previously, you have studied the concreting operations like storing of ingredients of concrete and batching of ingredients of concrete and mixing of ingredients of concrete. You have also learned the types of mixer. Here, you will study the concreting operations like transportation of concrete, deposition of concrete, compaction of concrete, finishing of concrete and curing of concrete. You will also study the different joints in the concrete work and formwork.


After studying this unit, you should be able to

  • appreciate the significance and precautions to be taken during the transportation of concrete,
  • define the transporting operations,
  • appreciate the significance of placing of concrete,
  • elaborate the steps taken for preparation of surface before placing concrete,
  • describe the different types of vibrators,
  • appreciate the significance and objectives of curing,
  • define the methods of curing, duration of curing and effects of delayed curing,
  • elaborates the finishing operations, and
  • explain the reasons of providing the joints in concrete construction.


Compaction of Concrete Curing of Concrete
Finishing of Concrete Formwork
Joints in Concrete Construction Placement or Deposition of Concrete
Transportation of Concrete
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